Wednesday, July 3, 2013

the city that never sleeps. part two

 Here are just some more photos of my New York trip with a couple extra tidbits I didn't include in my previous posts. By this point, now being nearly three weeks since I returned from the city, I find it unfortunately difficult to add specific details of my visit which is quite a bummer that I won't be sharing more details of my trip. Sadly it isn't because I don't remember the details of my stay now being three weeks in the past, but moreso because life has gotten it's hold on me and my busy life and I am finding myself more lazy (and in turn selfish) than anything to post about my experiences. So maybe one day. Not that I am making excuses, but I also just got back from Kansas City and in three days will be trekking out to Seattle for three weeks. Yikes! So incredibly busy and exciting life is! Anyways, enjoy the last of my photos from NYC (especially the ones of Kelcey and I being fortunate enough to win two lottery tickets to see the Broadway musical Newsies.)

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