As it seems to be pretty obvious, I've been going through a tough phase in my life on the thoughts of "where next?" I've been back and forth and back again on where I want to begin this new and exciting part of my life after graduation. And I still don't know. I think ultimately I've been thinking too hard about it all. Where the perfect place for me would be.
Then I read this article.
I don't have to find my perfect place right off the bat. As long as I go somewhere, anywhere. Especially if it's out of my comfort zone.
I feel so energized after reading it, and slightly more at ease with the thought of where. Now I can think more about what exactly I am looking for first.
It's about trial and error. And experience. Why not move somewhere that I've always wanted to go but was never sure of it working? That's the only way I'll get to fully experience and find out if it would work or wouldn't work. And if it doesn't, what's so hard about up and moving somewhere else?
"You don’t know who you’ll meet, what you’ll find or how you’ll get there, but you will do it."
"New experiences are the reason we live. They are the reason we get up every day, the reason we carry on. While we enjoy comfort, we crave experience. The point of living is not to resign yourself to one part of life, but to continually redefine yourself."