This semester has been one of the craziest. Okay, it has been thee absolutely craziest. My schedule is so full that I can't focus on what is right there in front of me. When I am in one class, I have thinking about the next, when I am in the next class, I am thinking about rehearsal, when I am in rehearsal, I'm thinking of when I'll next have a meal; it's a vicious cycle.
I chatted with one of my teachers/mentors the other day, asking for advice on this endless conundrum. She told me to simply start living in the present. Taking everything one step at a time. "There's a reason classes and rehearsals have set times, so you can focus on them while you're there." I find myself constantly planning for the next thing, that I forget to look at what is going on right now. I realize that I need to spend more time with the universe and invest in my work now, rather than planning and planning and planning to invest my time at a later date.
So, I came to the conclusion that I need to spend more quality time investing in the present. Without mindlessly scrolling through pages upon pages of social media. I realized that social media kind of revolves around either the past (photos of last weekend, quite commonly used as "Throwback Thursday," status updates about unnecessary drama, etc) or the future (So-and-so's Twenty First Birthday Extravaganza Where 572 People Are Invited), stuff that I don't need to be focusing my energy with at this moment. I feel by ridding myself of social media for the time being, granted, I will be missing out on all the latest hype and drama, but I will be allowing myself to focus on the here and now and will feel more included on information, events, and so on because I'll have more personal experiences, invitations, and conversations. I hope that by exploring the vast land of adventure without Instagram-ing my awesome #discoveries, I can get to spend more time in the present, with good company, and overall be more productive.
Fare thee well, social media. Until next time,